Diaper-free - When is the right time and how do you go about it? Tips and tricks for a successful transition

January 22, 2024
Windelfrei - Wann ist der richtige Zeitpunkt und wie gehst du vor? Tipps und Tricks für einen erfolgreichen Übergang
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The step towards becoming diaper-free is an exciting and challenging adventure for parents and children. It requires training and patience, and the starting age depends on the child.

When is the right time?

In Switzerland, it is important to know that children must be diaper-free when they start kindergarten. But do you want to wait until shortly before and add even more stress to your everyday life? The answer is no! We recommend paying attention to signs of interest, such as using the potty, from around the age of 36 months.

How do I prepare my child?

  • Switch from regular diapers to diaper pants. This promotes awareness of the elimination process.

  • Provide a potty in every bathroom or toilet. When changing diapers, ask the child if he or she wants to use the potty. Demonstrate the process of cleaning oneself and using the toilet.

  • Encourage independence: Show your child how to clean themselves after using the toilet and how to use toilet paper. Also explain how to flush stools and urine. Perhaps start with a small toilet and then move on to a toilet seat.
  • Accidents can happen: react as if it were no big deal. Don't make them feel embarrassed.

How do I prepare myself?

  • Keep a Swiffer or cleaning wipes (e.g. Sanytol) within reach to make it easier to remove puddles of urine and stool.

  • Make your nights easier and use our waterproof cotton training underpants with four layers (top cotton, waterproof TPU layer, microfiber terry cloth and 6-layer muslin). Also place a diaper pad under the fitted sheet. This will reduce the effort of changing bed linen at night.

  • Avoid rewards or distractions during the process to support the child in his or her natural development.

  • Diaper-free on the go: Make sure you have enough spare clothes and cleaning wipes with you when you're out and about. Encourage your child to use the potty even when you're outside the house. Avoid using diapers when you're out and about. Instead, we recommend taking the portable travel toilet from maamii with you. This reduces stress when there's no toilet within reach or it's occupied.

Most important rule?

  • The transition to going diaper-free can take time. Be patient and understanding while your child learns this new skill. The points above are tips and not all of them have to be followed, but they may help you find the right path for you and your child.

    Remember that every child is different and it is important to respond to your child's needs and pace. The process may seem challenging at first, but with love, patience and preparation, it will be an exciting journey for you and your child.

by maamii.ch

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